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Transitions are an important part of writing: How to you exit a scene? How do you get to the next moment in your story? How and when does your main character change?

Right now I'm living in a 'transition state'. We've settled into our temporary 'digs' in Santa Barbara while we wait for our lot in Ventura to be cleared and the rebuilding to begin. It's an odd feeling -- to be in a house, but not feel at home. There are no familiar furnishings or possessions -- everything we

The view from what was our deck -- before and after

wear is new -- or donated by a friend. All the furniture belongs to the rental company. We do have a new table arriving tomorrow, but that table won't evoke any memories of home.

This is not meant as a complaint -- we are in fact extraordinarily lucky. We are well and safe. Our cats are well and safe. We have good insurance coverage and everyone we've dealt with has been wonderful. I think living in this 'transition state' may even be beneficial in the long run. It may help me look at things in a different way -- maybe even get me to question things I accepted as the norm in the past. But, in this in-between place, it's easy to lose my bearings, my train of thought, and my routines.

Last week -- after a nine-week hiatus -- I returned to my yoga practice. Not the classes I attended in Ventura, but an online home practice. It's good to get back into the asanas and the breathing. And it feels good to be doing something familiar. The same goes for writing. After mudslides closed the 101, I wasn't able to meet up with critique partners. Since the highway reopened, it's been wonderful to resume that practice -- as it keeps me pushing forward with my writing.

And, like with any good transition, as I push forward, I'll be discovering new things -- about home building and zoning, and about myself.

(Belatedly) Wishing one and all a safe and healthy 2018!

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