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As most everyone knows, California has been in the midst of an historic five-year drought. This year's El Nino promises to make 2016 a wet year, though it won't put an end to our water shortages. In our house, we've been thoroughly trained not to waste water. Showers are kept short and a bucket is used to collect water as it warms up. We also collect running water in kitchen sink and water the vegetable garden with it. We use the soapy water, too -- as long as nothing with meat or oil has contaminated it. Last week we had one day of constant rain and I felt silly collecting the water to use into the yard -- since the ground was already soaked. But I couldn't let the precious water go down the drain. So, after watering the plants on our front porch, I went out in the downpour and added the water to our rain barrel. Some habits are hard to break.

In addition to watching the plants perk up with the newly wet soil, we've been enjoying some gorgeous skys. We don't usually get a lot of clouds where we live, so this has been a real treat!


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