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So, this is the time of year when we reflect on the things we feel thankful for. I am truly lucky -- cataloguing my good fortune is almost an overwelming task. I'm thankful to be head-over-heels in love with my husband -- after years of wonderful togetherness. I'm thankful for how often we make each other laugh. Today, my legs went temporary weak because he had me laughing so hard. (On a side note, I'm thankful I wasn't drinking anything at the time and didn't do the dreaded nose-snort.)

I'm thankful for my friends. I'm lucky enough to have known my closest friends for over half my life. These amazing people give my world sparkle and joy. I'm also thankful for the furry beasts who deign to live with us; their purrs are a wonderful reward in return for a simple head scratch or a meal.

I'm thankful that Evernight Teen selected my young adult contemporary novel, PUNISHMENT SUMMER, for publication this year. And, I'm grateful to have recently interacted with a wonderful new fan (you KNOW who you are!).

This list of things is especially important because, in addition to all this wonderfulness, the year had its rough patches. But, there's yet another thing I'm grateful for: I'm lucky enough to be resilient. And yes, I believe this is a stroke of luck, not character. Some people have an easier time picking themselves up and dusting themselves off. This isn't to say that I don't mourn losses deeply. But, I'm able to keep going, keep processing, and, thankfully, I have the cats to cuddle, wonderful friends to brighten my day, and an amazing man who gets me.

Wishing you and yours a wonderful day of thanks.

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