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I've crested the 30,000-word mark in my NaNoWriMo manuscript, but a wrinkle has emerged. The story veered in an unexpected direction and now I'm in research mode. I'm one of those people who needs to feel grounded in a setting or situation before I can write about it. I'm keeping my fingers crossed, but there's a chance I might not make it to the 50,000-word goal. I'd cross my fingers if it would help, but I make too many typos that way.

Fortunately, I don't have to get the manuscript completed all by myself. There's a wonderful community of NaNoWriMo authors with virtual and live write-ins, word sprints and encouraging messages. Plus, I've got a secret weapon -- our wonderful Guernsey cat, Ahab, has been helping organize my revised pages.


I've been so focused on the NaNoWriMo manuscript, I neglected posting about the Kindle Countdown sale currently happening for my adult mystery, ERASING RAMONA. The ebook is on sale for $0.99 through November 23.

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